Partners of the Americas was inspired by President John F. Kennedy, who in 1963 launched the Alliance for Progress, a program of government-to-government economic cooperation across the Western Hemisphere . At the same time, Kennedy also called for a parallel people-to-people initiative, one that would allow private citizens to work together for the good of the Americas . VolunteerBrowsing through this website will reveal the wide scope and many dimensions of Partners of the Americas. To explore specific paths to involvement, please check out your local chapter or consider opportunities to support the network through our International Office -- or just contact us directly, and we'll suggest opportunities.
Get in touch with your local chapter and learn about the "heart" of Partners - There are a number of ways to volunteer with Partners of the Americas, starting with the path that has been Partners' distinguishing feature for 40 years -- getting involved with your local chapter and its partner chapter in the South or North. Click here to find information about your local chapter.
Support the Partners Network by interning or volunteering with the International Office -Other ways to volunteer with Partners of the Americas include interning or volunteering in our Washington, D.C. office. Interns typically make a minimum commitment of three months and are selected based on their ability to contribute to a specific Partners' program area. And we always welcome volunteers to provide support in a variety of assignment areas. For more information about internships and volunteer opportunities, please click here. more
Get in touch with your local chapter and learn about the "heart" of Partners - There are a number of ways to volunteer with Partners of the Americas, starting with the path that has been Partners' distinguishing feature for 40 years -- getting involved with your local chapter and its partner chapter in the South or North. Click here to find information about your local chapter.
Support the Partners Network by interning or volunteering with the International Office -Other ways to volunteer with Partners of the Americas include interning or volunteering in our Washington, D.C. office. Interns typically make a minimum commitment of three months and are selected based on their ability to contribute to a specific Partners' program area. And we always welcome volunteers to provide support in a variety of assignment areas. For more information about internships and volunteer opportunities, please click here. more