Founded in 1965 in Houston, AMIGOS is an international, non-profit organization that provides unparalleled leadership and community service opportunities for young people while concurrently contributing to the well-being of hundreds of communities throughout the Americas. Supported by a strong network of Pan-American chapters, high school and college students from diverse backgrounds work successfully with host communities and partner agencies to address health and education priorities.
AMIGOS Volunteers immerse themselves in the lives of their host communities and truly experience collaborative development work. During its 42-year history, more than 20,000 AMIGOS Volunteers have gained a life-long commitment to community service, while strengthening multicultural understanding and friendships in the Americas.
Though we live in a world of instant satellite communications, we have not learned to live in peace with our neighbors. Our hope is to offer this opportunity to more young people, who as a result, will develop life-long commitments to a world of understanding, brotherhood and peace. This is our greatest product, and it is best demonstrated in the lives of our veteran Volunteers.
–Guy Bevil, Founder of Amigos de las Américas
Your first step towards becoming an AMIGOS Volunteer is to determine if you live near a local chapter by taking a look at our Chapter Location Map. If there is a chapter nearby, you should contact it for application information. If you do not live near a chapter, then you'll be applying and training as a Correspondent Volunteer (CV).
Two Paths to Becoming an AMIGOS Volunteer
AMIGOS chapters recruit, select, train, and organize fundraising activities for Volunteers within their home community. Chapter Volunteers train as a group, work together to fundraise participation fees, and receive support from a local group of adult leaders. Each chapter has its own application deadline in the fall.
For more info on volunteering through a chapter, first see if there is a Chapter located in your area using the Chapter Location Map. Then contact that chapter for more information.
Become a Correspondent Volunteer
Much like an independent study program, the Correspondent Volunteer (CV) Program serves as an alternative for Volunteers outside of chapter areas or with schedules too busy to accommodate chapter training schedules. The official application deadline for this program has passed, but there are still spots available on a rolling basis. Please contact us at (800) 231-7796 as soon as possible to participate this summer!
For more info on becoming a Correspondent Volunteer, see the Correspondent Volunteer pages.
If you would like to receive more information about AMIGOS by mail, complete our inquiry form with your contact information. For additional questions, please contact AMIGOS via email at or by calling (800) 231-7796. Visit Website
AMIGOS Volunteers immerse themselves in the lives of their host communities and truly experience collaborative development work. During its 42-year history, more than 20,000 AMIGOS Volunteers have gained a life-long commitment to community service, while strengthening multicultural understanding and friendships in the Americas.
Though we live in a world of instant satellite communications, we have not learned to live in peace with our neighbors. Our hope is to offer this opportunity to more young people, who as a result, will develop life-long commitments to a world of understanding, brotherhood and peace. This is our greatest product, and it is best demonstrated in the lives of our veteran Volunteers.
–Guy Bevil, Founder of Amigos de las Américas
Your first step towards becoming an AMIGOS Volunteer is to determine if you live near a local chapter by taking a look at our Chapter Location Map. If there is a chapter nearby, you should contact it for application information. If you do not live near a chapter, then you'll be applying and training as a Correspondent Volunteer (CV).
Two Paths to Becoming an AMIGOS Volunteer
Become a Volunteer Through Your Local Chapter
AMIGOS chapters recruit, select, train, and organize fundraising activities for Volunteers within their home community. Chapter Volunteers train as a group, work together to fundraise participation fees, and receive support from a local group of adult leaders. Each chapter has its own application deadline in the fall.
For more info on volunteering through a chapter, first see if there is a Chapter located in your area using the Chapter Location Map. Then contact that chapter for more information.
Become a Correspondent Volunteer
Much like an independent study program, the Correspondent Volunteer (CV) Program serves as an alternative for Volunteers outside of chapter areas or with schedules too busy to accommodate chapter training schedules. The official application deadline for this program has passed, but there are still spots available on a rolling basis. Please contact us at (800) 231-7796 as soon as possible to participate this summer!
For more info on becoming a Correspondent Volunteer, see the Correspondent Volunteer pages.
If you would like to receive more information about AMIGOS by mail, complete our inquiry form with your contact information. For additional questions, please contact AMIGOS via email at or by calling (800) 231-7796. Visit Website