The Cooperation Committee for Cambodia_PP based
Deadline: August 06, 2007
Deadline: August 06, 2007
The Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC), is a NGO membership organisation promoting information exchange, facilitating NGO coordination efforts and representing NGO views for development of Cambodia. We are seeking a dynamic individual, with strong communication, networking and relationship building skills.
Along with the relevant qualifications in international development, strategic management or related fields, you must have a proven track record in senior management positions, preferably in a NGO or membership organisation, have experience in setting strategic directions, and have the ability to work effectively with senior officials and representatives of Cambodia.
As the Executive Director you will be responsible for successful management and leadership of the organisation, including ensuring the strategic direction for CCC to maximise the benefits for the member organisations.
The position description is available at CCC office or CCC website. Interested candidates are invited to submit a cover letter and detailed CV to: CCC Recruitment Committee, No. 9-11 Street 476, Toul Tom Poung I, Phnom Penh. Tel/Fax: 216-009, E-mail: Website: