The JDS Program is to provide nationalities of Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Kyrgyz Republic, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam with opportunities for academic research at Japanese higher educational institutions under the Grant Aid assistance by Government of Japan. From last year, the recruitment for Kyrgyz Republic is newly started. (The new recruitment for Indonesia was terminated at the year of 2005.)The objective of this program is to support the respective Government in its efforts to facilitate its own plans for human resource development mainly for capacity building and institutional building, and thereby extend and enhance the bilateral relationship with Japan.
The JDS Program targets young government officers for public sector, researchers, business people and others with the potential to play leadership roles in their specialties after return to each country as well as to become leaders in their homeland in the 21st century.
This Program is implemented by the related Ministry of the respective countries, Government of Japan and JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). These JDS fellows have been sent to Japanese higher educational institutions to study the following subjects, depending on the targeted countries:
- Law-Public policy/Administration
- Economics-Business Administration
- International Relations
- Agriculture/Rural Development,Agricultural Policy
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Educational Administration
- Health Administration
- Engineering
- Infrastructure Management
- Industrial Development-Environmental Policy
For those who are interested in applying for this JDS Program, please see the detailed information in each country. It should be noted that NO APPLICANTS OTHER THAN THE SAID COUNTRIES ARE QUALIFIED TO APPLY FOR THE JDS PROGRAM.
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