Budget line 19.04.01 Reference: EuropeAid/131085/C/ACT/Multi Deadline for submission of Concept Notes: 1 August 2011
Evaluation grids and application forms have been modified under this call so as to give more weight to relevance in the Concept Note evaluation. Relevance will therefore constitute the major criterion in pre-selection. Relevance will not be evaluated again when assessing the Full Application. It is therefore of utmost importance that applicants use the correct application form for this call.
Prior registration by applicants and partners in EuropeAid's on-line database, PADOR, available at http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/onlineservices/pador/index_en.htm, is obligatory under the present call for proposals (see section 2.2 below for details). Applicants must be registered before submitting the concept note, while partners must be registered prior to submission of the full application.
Only submission by email is permitted under this call for proposal.
This is a restricted Call for Proposals. In the first instance, only Concept Notes must be submitted for evaluation. Thereafter, applicants whose Concept Notes have been pre-selected will be invited to submit a Full Application Form. Further to the evaluation of the Full Applications, an eligibility check will be performed for those which are provisionally selected. This check will be undertaken on the basis of the supporting documents requested by the European Commission, the signed "Declaration by the Applicant" sent together with the Concept Note and the second Declaration sent together with the Full Application.
The European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)1 was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council in December 2006. This instrument took the place of the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights, which was created at the proposal of the European Parliament in 1994 and makes possible to give financial support for activities aiming to strengthen democracy and human rights around the world during the 2007-2013 financial perspectives.
Both the EU guidelines on the death penalty2 and the EU Agenda for Action on Democracy Support in EU External Relations3 supply additional background to this Call for Proposals.
The general objective of the EIDHR is to contribute to the development and consolidation of democracy and the rule of law and respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms, consistent with the European Union’s foreign policy as a whole.
This instrument is designed to help civil society to become an effective force for political reform and defence of human rights. In doing this, it aims to complement the geographical programmes that work through direct cooperation with governments and mostly focus on public institution-building. The EIDHR offers independence of action, which is a critical feature of cooperation with civil society organisations at national level, especially in the sensitive areas of democracy and human rights. Great flexibility and increased capacity to respond to changing circumstances and to support innovation are among its intrinsic features.
The EIDHR is global in scope. It supports actions carried out in third countries throughout the world, but also in Member States if relevant to needs in third countries.
1.2.1 Objectives and priorities of this Call for Proposals
This call for proposals is launched under Objective 2 - "strengthening the role of civil society in human rights and democratic reform, in facilitating the peaceful conciliation of group interests and in consolidating political participation and representation"; and Objective 3 – "Supporting actions on human rights and democracy issues in areas covered by EU Guidelines, including on the death penalty" of the EIDHR Strategy Paper 2011 – 20134. It entails two specific lots (1 &2). Lot 1 also contains 3 sub-lots (1, 2 and 3).
The global objectives are:
(1) For lot 1 - the strengthening of transnational (regional and global) actions on conflict management, mediation and dialogue and/or strengthening regional/global civil society and its interaction with regional/global human rights mechanisms".
The aim is to support civil society networks developing greater cohesion in working on human rights, political pluralism and democratic political participation and representation, while contributing to the
peaceful conciliation of group interests and combating discrimination on any ground; by developing equal participation of men and women in social, economic and political life, thus becoming an effective force for positive change, through cooperation among local civil society organisations and stakeholders.
(2) For lot 2 - support for the implementation of the EU Guidelines on the Death Penalty, which provide the general framework for EIDHR assistance in this area as well as the EU policy towards third countries. EIDHR support will be given to activities focusing on promoting the restrictive use of, the establishment of a moratorium on, and the abolition of the death penalty.
The specific objectives are:
(1) For lot 1 - to assist civil society networks in countries outside the EU where these organisations benefit from a relatively open space to operate through transnational (regional and global) activities.
(2) For lot 2 -to support activities aiming to restrict the number of offences for which the death penalty may be imposed; to insist on the application of the minimum standards when an execution is carried out; to advocate the establishment of a moratorium on executions, with a view to the eventual abolition of the death penalty. The EIDHR will support actions which foresee an integrated approach to the fight against the death penalty.
The following indicative list of themes can be targeted by this Call:
- Death penalty
- Rights of the Child
- Children & armed conflict
- Women's rights & gender equality
- Trafficking in human beings
- Human rights & terrorism
- Human rights & business + trade
- Democracy & elections
- Economic, social & cultural rights – Millennium Development Goals
- The right to development
- Intercultural dialogue
- Racism, xenophobia, non-discrimination & respect for diversity
- Rights of persons belonging to minorities
- Persons with disabilities
- Indigenous peoples
Lots of this Call for Proposals
In line with the EU Agenda for Action on Democracy Support in EU External Relations, the EIDHR Strategy Paper 2011-2013 and its 2011 Annual Action Programme, this lot is divided into 3 separate sub lots. A proposal must address only 1 SUB-LOT and applicants must clearly specify in the Application form under which SUB-LOT they submit the application. Non compliance with the afore-mentioned requirement may lead to the rejection of the application (See section 2.1.3 of the present Guidelines).
Proposed actions under this lot must take place in at least two countries outside the EU (See section 2.1.3 of the present Guidelines).
Applicants are asked to provide a clear description of the action (objectives, expected results, activities ) per country targeted.
Furthermore, under this lot, partnership with local organisations is mandatory. Applicants must act in partnership with at least one partner (be it formal or informal) from the countries where the action is going to take place.
Exceptionally, however, where an applicant considers that a partnership is not feasible or appropriate, duly justified reasons must be provided, which will be examined in the context of the evaluation. The specific role and the involvement of the partners in the implementation of the action will be explicitly evaluated at Concept Note and Full Application stage (see Evaluation Grids in section 2.3 of the present Guidelines).
The difference between formal and informal partners is explained under section 2.1.2.
Peaceful management, mediation/resolution of conflicting interests/sources of deep-seated conflict or potential violent conflict.
The aim of this sub-lot is to support activities facilitating the peaceful conciliation and management of group interests and promoting solutions to divisive matters among stakeholders from bordering countries. The focus will be on regions which are affected by conflicts with transnational (regional and global) implications, including regions of potential conflict and post-conflict regions.
Priority will be given to actions aiming at boosting the capacity of civil society organisations and networks to meaningfully contribute to and participate in just, inclusive and democratic conflict-resolution and peace-building processes.
Types of activities:
The following examples are not exhaustive.
- Capacity-building of civil society organisations and networks (mostly through the promotion of handling of new technologies);
- Monitoring human rights issues and development of civil society based early warning systems;
- Enhancement of the capacity of networks to adopt a collective approach representative of their member’s interests, encouraging coordination and actions in a structured manner;
- Dialogue initiatives to promote confidence-building and reconciliation, and develop a culture of dispute resolution on controversial issues;
- Organisation of discussion fora (seminars, conferences, round tables) to improve dialogue and networking between Civil Society Organisations and decision-makers;
- Awareness-raising, provision of trainings for relevant civil activists and state agents promoting solutions on divisive matters or controversial areas (including activities addressing the needs of the victims of conflicts);
- Advocacy activities directed towards decision-makers, authorities in charge of promoting adequate legislation;
- Sub-granting to local organisations.
Expected results:
These activities are expected to contribute to the resolution of conflicting interests or sources of deep-seated conflict or potential violent conflict, greater inclusion of civil society organisations and their priorities in peace negotiations, including enhanced women’s leadership in peacemaking, reduced number of children in armed forces groups, the rehabilitation and reintegration into society of child soldiers and ex-combatants more generally, increased accountability mechanisms in place at the national level and actions undertaken at the international level to fight impunity, etc.
Reinforcement of the role of transnational (regional and global) civil society organisations and networks
The aim of this sub-lot is to reinforce the role of civil society and its interaction with universal, international and regional human rights and democracy networks, mechanisms and policies, as well as intergovernmental or political bodies, including monitoring and implementation of international human rights and democracy commitments.
Activities addressing root causes of violations that are regional in nature and activities targeting discriminated groups/people in vulnerable situations, as well as minority groups, are the primary purpose of this Action. In terms of results, these activities are expected to lead to improved coordination of national policies targeting a regional human rights issue, increased responsiveness of regional civil society networks to protection needs of discriminated groups/people in vulnerable situations, adoption of international/ regional human rights conventions and their incorporation into national legislation following a regional campaign, improved cooperation between civil society and national parliaments/ regional or global parliamentary networks, etc.
Types of activities:
The following examples are not exhaustive.
- Training activities, education, notably related to situation analysis, advocacy skills, access to media and networking;
- Awareness-raising seminars and lobbying activities directed towards decision-makers, authorities (at central and local levels) in charge of promoting adequate legislation;
- Advocacy for and support to the development of sensitisation and training activities for relevant state agents (armed forces, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, police, social workers) about various forms of rights' violations and inter-state cooperation.
- Strengthening of political foundations (and their adherence to democratic values), of parliaments and other democratically elected bodies, of national human rights institutions, and of local civil society organisations or networks;
- Capacity building and technical assistance to develop civil society capacity to exercise their rights and to improve the relevant legislative framework;
- Providing support to NGO activity aimed at promoting group identity rights, in particular of the most vulnerable;
- Developing or strengthening regional networks dedicated to the protection and promotion of specific rights/working for the ratification or national implementation of specific human rights conventions
- Sub-granting to local organisations.
Expected results:
These activities are expected to lead to improved coordination of national policies targeting a regional human rights issue, increased responsiveness of regional civil society networks to protection needs of discriminated groups/people in vulnerable situations, adoption of international/ regional human rights conventions and their incorporation into national legislation following a regional campaign, improved cooperation between civil society and national parliaments/ regional or global parliamentary networks, etc.
Democracy Support
The aim of this sub-lot is to support democracy, in particular activities implementing the November 2009 Council conclusions on Democracy Support in EU External Relations and its Agenda for Action7 and ensuring the promotion and enhancement of participatory and representative democracy, including parliamentary democracy, and the processes of democratisation.
Priority will be given to actions taking place in countries in current democratic transition and/or in the proposed pilot countries of the Democracy Support Agenda for Action.
Preference will be given to actions targeting at least five countries (see Evaluation Grids in section 2.3 of the present Guidelines).
Types of activities:
The following examples are not exhaustive.
- promoting freedom of association and assembly, unhindered movement of persons, freedom of opinion and expression, including artistic and cultural expression, independent media, unimpeded access to information, and measures to combat administrative obstacles to the exercise of these freedoms, including the fight against censorship;
- strengthening the rule of law, promoting the independence of the judiciary, encouraging and evaluating legal and institutional reforms, and promoting access to justice;
- promoting and strengthening the International Criminal Court, ad hoc international criminal tribunals and the processes of transitional justice and truth and reconciliation mechanisms;
- supporting reforms to achieve effective and transparent democratic accountability and oversight, including that of the security and justice sectors, and encouraging measures against corruption
- promoting political pluralism and democratic political representation, and encouraging political participation by citizens, in particular marginalised groups, in democratic reform processes at local, regional and national level;
- promoting the equal participation of men and women in social, economic and political life, and supporting equality of opportunity, and the participation and political representation of women;
- supporting measures to facilitate the peaceful conciliation of group interests, including support for confidence-building measures relating to human rights and democratisation
The EU Guidelines on the Death Penalty provide the general framework for EIDHR assistance in this area. EIDHR support aims at promoting the restrictive use of, the establishment of a moratorium on, and the abolition of the death penalty.
Type of activities
The following examples are not exhaustive:
- Monitoring conditions of use of the death penalty and the application of international minimum standards, as well as prisoner's incarceration conditions even after a moratorium or abolition;
- Provision of legal aid and assistance to persons at risk of or prisoners awaiting execution;
- Support for legal and constitutional reform to restrict or abolish the death penalty;
- Promotion of the signature, ratification and implementation of the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and other relevant international and regional instruments.
EIDHR support may also aim at the development of national, regional or global abolitionist coalitions, including activities such as advocacy, lobbying, training, capacity building and raising awareness among the public, the civil society and the key decision makers on the principal arguments against the death penalty. However, such activities must be focused, strategic and combined. In certain cases, projects which use scientific approaches to expose miscarriages of justice or contribute to a reduction in the use of the death penalty, such as studies of forensic evidence or DNA techniques, may also be supported. Periodical structured coordination will be ensured at central and local levels between the Commission, Member States and all the specialised NGOs which will be providing support in order to develop synergies, to guarantee complementary actions and to avoid duplication.
Expected results:
Proposed actions must be conceived to produce specific and measurable results. In this context, their justification must be based on updated, relevant and reliable background information. Actions must have clear objectives, and be likely to directly address the issue in question, through a well designed strategy and methodology.
Each action will present its own indicators of performance and success, which must be objective and verifiable. Expected results should respond to the following priorities:
- increase in national government commitments on ending or restricting the use of the death penalty (laws, ratification of international instruments, moratoria, etc);
- legal changes (number of capital offences, exclusion of the mentally ill/juveniles, right of appeal, etc);
- improvement in conditions of detention for people at risk of, or awaiting, an execution;
- implementation of criminal procedures and trial practice which enhance the right to a fair trial;
- enhanced availability of public information about the death penalty, death sentences, executions, conditions of detention, possible judicial mistakes, etc.;
- surveys of public opinion showing enhanced awareness of death penalty issues, more judicial practitioners in the field and an increase in media attention on the subject.
With regard to the location of the action, particular attention should be paid to countries where the death penalty situation is in flux, i.e. where capital punishment is on the verge of being either re-introduced (for example through the lifting of a long-standing moratorium) or abolished, and to countries where the death penalty is most in use.
The overall amount made available under this Call for Proposals is EUR 21 600 000 from the 2011 budget. The European commission reserves the right not to award all available funds. Equally, this amount could be increased should more funds become available.
Where the indicative financial envelope foreseen for a specific LOT or SUB LOT cannot be used due to insufficient quality or number of proposals received, the European commission reserves the right to reallocate the remaining funds to another LOT or SUB LOT within this Call or to other Call under the EIDHR instrument.
Indicative financial envelope per LOT
The funds will be distributed according to the following indicative allocation per LOT:
LOT 1: EUR 14.600.000
Sub-lot 1: 40% indicative
Sub-lot 2: 40% indicative
Sub-lot 3: 20% indicative
LOT 2: EUR 7.000.000
Size of grants
Any grant awarded under this Call for Proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
- Minimum amount: EUR 200 000
- Maximum amount: EUR 1 500 000
- Guidelines for grant applicants
- Annex A - Annex A - Grant Application Form
- Annex B - Budget
- Annex C - Logical Framework
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